Windows console emulator with tabs, which presents multiple consoles and simple GUI applications as one customizable GUI window with various features.
Initially, the program was created as a companion to Far Manager (
Today, ConEmu can be used with any other console application or simple GUI tools (like PuTTY for example). ConEmu is an active project, open to suggestions.
ConEmu starts a console program in hidden console window and provides an alternative customizable GUI window with various features:
smooth and friendly window resizing;
tabs for editors, viewers, panels and consoles;
run simple GUI apps in tabs;
Windows 7 Jump Lists and Progress on Taskbar buttons;
easily run old DOS applications (games) in Windows 7 or 64-bit OS;
thumbnails and tiles in Far Manager;
normal, maximized and full screen graphical window modes;
customizable window fonts;
using 24-bit colors in Far Manager 3.x;
ANSI X3.64 and Xterm 256 colors;
cursor: standard console (horizontal) or GUI (vertical);
optional per-application settings (e.g. palette);
vertical console buffer scrolling using the keyboard (BufferHeight mode);
show full output (1K+ lines) of last command in Far Manager's editor/viewer;
customizable Far Manager right click behaviour (long click opens context menu);
drag and drop (explorer style) of files and folders in Far Manager;
limited support of BDF fonts;
user friendly text and block selection;
transparency and desktop mode;
customizable starting tabs;
configurable and clickable status bar;
and more, and more...
All settings are read from the registry (multiple named configurations are supported), after which the command line parameters are applied. Parameters /Config and /BufferHeight can only be specified on the command line. Most settings are configured using the Settings dialog, not from the command line.